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carla Coral srl
{0} years
napoli, Italy
Main categories: earrings,necklaces,rings,pendants
2YRScarla Coral srl


Company Album1

Basic Information
Since more than 40 years Carlacoral srl is a leader company in all kind of basic materials about jewelry import/export. Since 20 years has born his own brand called carlacoral, our designs are modern, fresh for all kind of age; with a unique style carlacoral builds their jewels with all certificated materials and from real Italian maters' hands. It's the first company to launch the painted cameo, renovating it with totally new engraves and with fresh and amazing colors. Their creations can enlighten all kind of outfits from the sporti ones to the most elegant. We show you how how you can highlight your style with our new, trendy jewelry! The new jewelry showcases our creativity and unparalleled design at its best. Our newest design feature valuable materials such as cameo, coral, amethyst and gold to capture the spirit of the fashion world. Each piece is original and unique ,made in fine craftsmanships. This ensures the highest quality and makes each piece an investment that will last a lifetime.
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Business type
Manufacturer, Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler
Country / Region
napoli, Italy
Main ProductsTotal employees
5 - 10 People
Total Annual Revenue
Below US$1 Million
Year established
Product Certifications
Main Markets